Which plant-based foods have the most fiber?

Fiber is incredibly important. One type of carbohydrate, fiber—also known as roughage—is indigestible, but it plays a big role. It feeds gut-friendly bacteria, improves digestive health, and helps lower cholesterol to list just a few of the health benefits of fiber. Plant foods are high in these indigestible carbohydrates, so you’d think vegetarians would get plenty of fiber. This is true in most cases, but some vegetarians may need to take extra care to make sure they are eating enough.

What is fiber?

The complex carbohydrates you find in rice, bread and pasta provide the body with energy, plus they contain important vitamins, minerals and plant compounds.

On the other hand, fiber does not provide any nutrients. It is not fully digested. But it makes up for it with many other health benefits, says Nicole Dandrea-Russert, MS, RDN, and author of Fiber effectVegNews says.

“Fiber is important to keep us regular as many of us know, but it’s also the foundation of a healthy gut,” she says “A healthy gut leads to less acute and chronic inflammation, both in the gut and throughout the body.”

What does fiber do for the body?

Dietary fiber is not good for keeping gut microbiomes happy.

In studies, it has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, help regulate blood sugar, and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and certain forms of cancer. Because it helps you feel full, it can help with weight control. It even plays a role in hormonal balance and mental health. Fiber also lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body.


Typically, you’ve only heard of two types of fiber, each with a different role to play. Soluble fiber gels in the intestinal tract and has been shown to lower “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Insoluble fiber adds bulk and speeds the passage of waste through the intestines.

But, there’s another important type of fiber, says Dandrea-Russert. “Fermentable fiber, often called prebiotics, is broken down by health-promoting gut bacteria to produce short-chain fatty acids called butyrate, acetate, and propionate,” he explains. They help transport important minerals like iron, calcium and magnesium. Research suggests that it can help suppress chronic inflammation.

What happens when you don’t eat enough fiber?

According to the Food and Drug Administration, the daily value (DV) of fiber intake for adults eating a 2,000-calorie diet is 28 grams per day. However, it can also vary by age and gender. But, the US Department of Agriculture estimates that 95 percent of American adults don’t get enough fiber.

Constipation is the most common symptom of not getting enough fiber, but it’s also a sign that you may be dehydrated. “Fiber is the foundation of a healthy gut,” says Dandrea-Russert. “Insufficient fiber can lead to gut dysbiosis, an imbalance of bacteria, which can cause short- and long-term inflammation.”

Because of this, insufficient fiber can lead to digestive problems, high cholesterol, blood sugar imbalances, mood swings and other lifestyle diseases.

Should Vegans Worry About Fiber?

Plant foods are high in fiber so generally, vegetarians don’t need to worry about not getting enough. That is, as long as you’re eating a variety of whole, plant-based foods, Dandrea-Russert says.

“Vegan processed foods such as vegan meat and cheese are better for human and planetary health than traditional meat and dairy foods, but most of these products are made with whole food processed ingredients,” he explains.


“When whole foods are processed, fiber is often left behind,” Dandrea-Russert continues. For example, many vegan cheeses are made from coconut oil, which is extracted from whole coconuts. But, three ounces of unrefined coconut meat contains 8 grams of fiber, while the same amount of coconut oil contains no fiber.

That doesn’t mean you should give up coconut-based vegan cheese. Best of all, it’s ideal for comfort food like grilled cheese. Enjoy it in moderation and look for ways to add benefits to these foods, such as using whole grain bread instead of white. And if you choose vegetarian meat, check the label for its fiber content.

Which vegetarian foods have the most fiber?

All plant foods contain fiber, but some are better than others. Here are the top vegetarian sources of fiber to add to your diet:


1 Legos

Legumes are a powerhouse food. They are good for heart health and many of them are a good source of iron and calcium.

For a good all-around lemon, try edamame, which has 8 grams of fiber per cup, says Dana Ellis Hunes, PhD, MPH, RD, and author. Recipe for survival.

“Not only are they high in fiber, they also contain 17 grams of protein per cup,” she says “A lot of older adults are concerned about getting enough protein—well, it can give you both protein and fiber, and it’s very filling and healthy.”

In general, all beans are good sources of fiber, and eating a variety of them is a good way to add different vitamins and minerals to your diet. According to USDA information, a half-cup serving of the cooked lemons listed below will give you the following amounts of fiber:

  • Black Beans: 7 grams
  • Brown Lentils: 13 grams
  • Green and red lentils: 10 grams
  • Kidney Beans: 6 grams
  • Split pulses: 8 grams


2 Whole grains

Eating whole grains regularly can reduce your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Whole grains contain more fiber than many processed grains, such as white rice, white pasta and white bread, which have had their nutritious outer layers removed to extend shelf-life and improve taste. For example, a cup of white rice contains 0.6 grams of fiber while a cup of brown rice contains 3 grams.

Oats are an especially good source of fiber, Huns says. “It’s a really great high-fiber food to eat because it contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, aka roughage, which can really help keep us regular. So, you get the benefits of both fibers in this really healthy food,” he continued.

Apart from that, the following whole grains are also good sources of fiber. Per one-cup serving, they contain:

  • Barley, hulled: 17 grams
  • Bulgur: 4 grams
  • Popcorn (100 grams): 15 grams
  • Quinoa: 5 grams


3 Nuts and seeds

Even nuts and seeds, an excellent source of healthy fats, protein and nutrients, contain fiber. Especially chia seeds, which are great for overnight oats as well as chia pudding.

“Chia seeds have many health benefits,” says Huns. “They’re high in fiber and can hold about 10 times their weight in water, which means they can really help with hydration and regularity.”

However, you will find fiber in all nuts and seeds. The following options have a quarter-cup serving:

  • Cashew Nuts: 4 grams
  • Flaxseed, ground: 11 grams
  • Pistachios: 3 grams
  • Pumpkin seeds: 3 grams
  • Sunflower seeds: 3 grams
  • Walnuts: 2 grams


4 fruit

All fruits are good sources of fiber. But, one of the best sources of this essential non-nutrient may surprise you: avocados. A medium-sized avocado contains about 10 grams of fiber. Plus, this toast-topping fruit is rich in other nutrients, including carotenoids, potassium, and heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Avocados aren’t the only fiber-rich fruit, though. Any of the following are good ways to add bulk to your diet:

  • Apple (a medium fruit): 3 grams
  • Banana (a medium fruit): 3 grams
  • Blueberries (half cup serving): 2 grams
  • Pear (a medium fruit): 6 grams
  • Raspberries (half cup serving): 4 grams


5 vegetables

Eating your vegetables is a great way to make sure you’re getting enough fiber.

Raw beets are especially good for digestion, not only because they contain 3.8 grams of fiber per cup, but also because they contain betaine, Hunes says. This digestive enzyme inhibits Candida, a fungal overgrowth, preventing it from taking over the small intestine. “It can also help with regularity,” she adds.

Here are some fiber-rich vegetables to add to your diet:

  • Artichokes (one medium): 7 grams
  • Broccoli (one cup): 2 grams
  • Carrot (one medium): 2 grams
  • Cauliflower, raw (one cup, chopped): 2 grams
  • Chinese broccoli (aka Guy Lanone cup): 2 grams
  • Pumpkin, canned (one cup): 7 grams
  • Spinach (one cup): 4 grams
  • Sweet potato (a medium): 4 grams
  • White potatoes (one medium): 5 grams

Your options for fiber-rich foods are not limited to the above. Virtually all, plant-based foods will add to your diet, so be sure to vary what you add to your plate.

To learn more about vegan nutrition, read:

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