Summer Puffs – Backyard Poultry

By Cappy Tosetti.

How it all began

Soufflé is a French verb blow: huff, huff, huff, and breathe. Like many discoveries in history, there are different versions, depending on the region and the individuals involved in telling the story. The origin of the baked soufflé is no different.

The recipe for “Omelette Soufflée” was described by chef Vincent La Chapelle in 1742, who worked with several members of the royal family, including Louis XV, King of France, and his mistress, Madame de Pompadour. His delicious recipe called for lemon peel and veal kidneys.

Later in 1783, Paris chef and cookbook Antoine Poupilier added several soufflés to the menu at his famous restaurant, The Grande Taverne de Londres. He is often credited as the “inventor of the souffle”. Years later, in 1816, he published a popular cookbook, The art of the cook (cooking art), which included a collection of updated soufflé recipes.

Published by French chef and writer Louis-Eustache Audi French cook in 1813 while living and working in London. His cookbook contains six soufflé recipes: chocolate, potato with lemon, orange flower, cream of rice, bread and coffee.

Later in the 1820s, famous chef Marie-Antoine Careme created hundreds of soufflé recipes for his wealthy clients in Paris. His success came from perfecting dazzling creations by inventing modernized furnaces heated by currents of air rather than coal. This new technology is presented more evenly
A distributed cooking temperature that helps the soufflé rise properly and stay in place without falling. He baked his creations in hard, straight-sided pastry wrappers, inspiring future chefs to use the same feature on individual ramekins or large, straight-sided baking dishes.

Since those early days, serving a soufflé for a special occasion has represented creativity and celebration. It doesn’t have to be a daunting experience worrying about failing or following a long and complicated recipe. Keep it simple. Like anything worth trying, it just takes a little preparation
and follow directions. It might be the classic cheese soufflé to meet fall or the creamy potato version for a wintry night. Delicious fresh or frozen fruit can add a tangy sweet treat to any meal, and there’s always a chocolate favorite any time of year.

Light and gentle secrets

Gone are the days of trekking briskly through the kitchen making a soufflé. You don’t have to worry about the contents collapsing in the oven and ruining any celebration any more. The secret lies in preparing the eggs. It should be at room temperature, which makes it easier to whisk. Separate them into two bowls, allowing the egg whites to work their magic forming light, airy peaks that add volume to the soufflé.

In whisking egg whites, you’re looking for that sweet spot between very soft and whipped. Look for smooth, shiny tops. Photo by Georges Dolgach.

Place the egg whites in the mixing bowl and start on low speed, increasing to medium-low until soft peaks form. Then increase to medium-high speed and beat until glossy and thick and cushiony, being careful not to overmix. It is best to use a stainless steel, glass or copper container. Never use plastic containers; They can retain greasy residue from previous uses.

Some recipes call for adding cream of tartar or other leavening agents before whisking the egg whites. This acidic ingredient helps stabilize
Mixture. Sometimes a pinch of salt is added to help break down the proteins
Egg whites. As always, it is up to the individual preparing the soufflé.

Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the other ingredients with a large, flexible rubber spatula or metal spatula. This incorporates flour
Batter thoroughly, allowing air to remain during the baking process.

If done right, success will surely follow, eliminating any fears of the cook
The possibility that. It also pays to do a little research and have fun
Experiment with different recipes.

There are many books on the subject, from a long list of titles to explore online, in independent bookstores, and occasionally in
Savings stop. There are also Facebook groups and YouTube videos to help
He illustrates step-by-step instructions for both savory and sweet creations.

Here’s a light and delicious summertime snack recipe using berries, but other fruits can be substituted. It’s all up to one’s imagination!

Raspberry soufflé

Serves four.
4 eggs (room temperature)
2 cups fresh or frozen raspberries (thawed)
2 tablespoons of orange juice – optional
1 tablespoon of cream of tartar
1 teaspoon of salt
1½ tablespoons of cornstarch
3 tablespoons of granulated sugar
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of melted butter for greasing bowls.
2 tablespoons granulated sugar, to coat the bowls.
4 tablespoons of powdered sugar for decoration
12 fresh berries for garnish
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit

4 ramekins
food processor
2 medium-sized ceramic or stainless steel bowls
baking sheet

HintFor ease and efficiency, combine and mix ingredients the day before serving. Cover and refrigerate overnight, then bring the bowl to room temperature.
Grease the four molds with melted butter and sprinkle with granulated sugar from the inside. Get rid of the extra sugar. Set it aside on a baking sheet.
We put the berries in a food processor and add the orange juice. Once pureed, pour the mixture through a fine sieve, separating the seeds from the puree. sit aside.
Separate the eggs.
In one bowl, whisk the egg yolks, adding the cornstarch and sugar. Whisk until the mixture becomes pale and thick. Add lemon juice and raspberry puree. sit aside.
In another bowl, add salt and cream of tartar to the egg whites. Start mixing at low speed with an electric hand or stand mixer. Gradually increase speed to medium-high until glossy peaks appear. Don’t over mix.
Gently fold egg whites into raspberry-yolk mixture, third by third.
Gently pour the mixture into the ramekins on the baking tray. A trick some cooks do at this point is to take a knife and run it across the top of the batter, giving it a smooth, even appearance as it rises.
Place it on the bottom rack in the oven. Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on your oven. Remove it when it turns light brown on top.
Sprinkle each souffle with powdered sugar and decorate with berries.
Her feet are warm.
If desired, top soufflé with prepared or store-bought raspberry or vanilla sauce, warm and serve in pitcher. Rave reviews will surely follow when you dip your spoonfuls into this summery delicacy!

Cappy Tosetti She lives in Asheville, North Carolina with the three rescue dogs she helps out at Happy with Cappy Pet Sitting. She puts things
In traffic one day across the country in a vintage traveling trailer visiting horse and goat farms. [email protected]

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