In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast, we welcome Kobi Regev, CEO and co-founder of Please Foods, a company that specializes in plant-based cheeses made from a proprietary blend of bean and potato proteins.
We talk to Kobi about her own plant-based journey and her inspiration for making Please Cheese.
Who is Kobe Regev?
Kobi Regev is the CEO and co-founder of Pleese Foods, a company specializing in plant-based cheeses made from a proprietary blend of bean and potato proteins.

An avid New Yorker and vegetarian, Kobi Regev and his wife, Abeve (also vegetarian), were frustrated by the lack of quality vegan pizza. They found no cheese substitute to match the taste, texture and meltiness of that authentic NYC pizza experience. So they made their own.
Coby, a staunch innovator, has become an expert in vegan pizza cheese and built a company around his innovative product that fills a niche in the vast pizza industry.
As for Kobi, you can follow him on LinkedIn.
Please return the cheese
As CEO of Pleese Foods, Kobi has not only set out to create the most delicious and appealing plant-based cheeses on the market, he has dedicated himself and his company to giving back in meaningful ways. For every Plys cheese sale, Plys donates a tree to be planted by the National Forest Foundation, a cause close to Kobe’s heart.
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