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Make this Copycat Starbucks Iced Pineapple Matcha Drink for a refreshing drink any day of the week. You will love this wonderful blend of pineapple, matcha green tea powder, ginger and coconut milk. It’s a refreshing drink in the summer, but you can serve it year-round!

I know many people who are regulars at the coffee shop. I’m a “I’ll make it myself” kind of girl. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a coffee shop as a fun change of pace, especially when visiting friends or family.
That’s why when I see a drink like Iced Golden Milk that inspires me, I like to make it myself.
How to Make Pineapple Matcha
You can find the complete printable recipe with ingredient amounts below. But first, here are some ingredient explanations and steps to help you perfect this recipe every time.
- Add the matcha syrup ingredients together in a blender. Pulse in several small bursts to combine.
- If you prefer a smoother drink without the pineapple pulp, you can strain the pineapple through a fine-mesh strainer.
- Pour the matcha mixture into a glass filled with ice.
- Add coconut milk until the glass is full.
- Serve with pineapple chunks for garnish or as is. Enjoy!
the main ingredient
Here are the ingredients you will need for this recipe:
- Matcha Powder – Make sure you use event-grade matcha powder that has a good flavor and bright color.
- Pineapple – You can use frozen or cut fresh pineapple. If you don’t want to use whole pineapple, substitute 1/3 cup pineapple juice.
- Ground Ginger – I like to use ground ginger because it has a sweeter flavor.
- Syrup — Maple syrup, agave, or even a vegan honey alternative combines beautifully with pineapple to add the perfect amount of sweetness. If you prefer, you can use a zero-calorie sweetener, such as monkfruit.
- Coconut Milk – Use coconut milk from a can, just be sure to shake it first. You can use light or full fat coconut milk. Or if you prefer a lighter drink, you can mix coconut milk with almond milk.
Why this recipe is a winner
- fresh – This refreshing drink is made using fresh pineapple.
- Filling — Thanks to the fat in coconut milk, this drink is so full and filling.
- flavored — Pineapple combined with ginger and coconut make a delicious drink!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does pineapple matcha contain caffeine?
Matcha powder is the only source of caffeine in this drink. Although matcha contains caffeine, it is not the same as coffee. It is also an excellent source of EGCG, a class of antioxidants noted to have many health benefits.
Is pineapple matcha healthy?
Made with pineapple, ginger, matcha tea powder and coconut milk, this drink is relatively healthy. Coconut milk contains the fat that makes this drink filling. Ginger and matcha not only add flavor but also boost nutritional value.
Serving advice
Serve this vegan pineapple matcha drink with your favorite snacks like:
Storage Tips
Cover the drink and refrigerate. It will keep for 2 to 3 days in the fridge.

Vegan drinks
If you like this iced pineapple matcha drink, here are more vegan drinks to try:

Prevent your screen from going dark
Add the matcha syrup ingredients together in a blender. Pulse in several small bursts to combine. If you prefer a smooth drink without the pineapple pulp, you can strain the pineapple through a fine mesh strainer.
Pour the matcha mixture into a glass filled with ice. Add coconut milk until the glass is full.
Serve with pineapple chunks for garnish or as is. Enjoy!

(The products above contain sponsored links to products we use and recommend)
Calories: 222kcal | Sugars: 18g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 16g | Saturated Fat: 14g | Polyunsaturated Fats: 0.2g | Monounsaturated fats: 1g | Sodium: 32mg | Potassium: 278mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 12g | Vitamin A: 248IU | Vitamin C: 40mg | Calcium: 45mg | Iron: 4mg
The nutritional information shown is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator and should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist consultation.