Berries, vegetables, fish, whole grains and rapeseed oil. They are the main ingredients of the Nordic Diet concept which has been recognized as extremely healthy, tasty and sustainable over the last decade. The diet can prevent obesity and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
So far, Nordic diet research has primarily linked the diet to positive health effects after weight loss. But a new analysis conducted by researchers at the University of Copenhagen, among others, makes it clear that a Nordic diet has positive health benefits — regardless of whether one loses weight or not.
“This is surprising because most people believe that the positive effect on blood sugar and cholesterol is only due to weight loss. Here, we did not see this. Other mechanisms are also at play,” explains Lars Ove Dragstad, a researcher. and Head of the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen.
Together with researchers from Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland, Dragstad tested blood and urine samples from 200 people over the age of 50, all of whom had a high BMI and an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The participants were divided into two groups – one fed food according to the Nordic dietary recommendations and a control group on their usual diet. After six months of observation, the results are clear.
“The group that was on the Nordic diet for six months became significantly healthier, with lower cholesterol levels, lower overall levels of both saturated and unsaturated fats in the blood, and better glucose control than the control group. Weight remained stable on the Nordic diet, which means we can help them lose weight more.” told to eat more. Even without losing weight, we see an improvement in their health,” explains Lars Ove Dragstedt.
Fat makes us healthy
Rather than weight loss alone, researchers point to the unique composition of fats in the Nordic diet as a possible explanation for the significant health benefits.
“By analyzing the blood of the participants, we found that those who benefited most from the dietary changes had different fat-soluble substances than the control group. These substances appear to be associated with unsaturated fatty acids from the oils in the Nordic diet. This is a The sign that Nordic dietary fat probably plays the most important role for the health effects seen here is something I did not expect,” says Lars Ove Dragstedt.
Fats in the Nordic diet come from fish, flaxseed, sunflower and rapeseed (canola), among other things. Overall, they form a very beneficial combination for the body, although researchers have not yet been able to explain exactly why these fats lower both blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
“We can only speculate why the change in fat composition benefits our health so much. However, we can confirm that the absence of highly processed foods and low saturated fats from animals has a very positive effect on us. Therefore, the fat composition in the Nordic diet, which is omega- 3 and omega-6 unsaturated fats are high, possibly a significant part of the explanation for the health effects we find from the Nordic diet, even when the weight of the participants remains constant,” concluded Lars Ove.
Information about the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations
The Nordic Nutrition Recommendations were adopted by nutrition experts in 2012 and will be updated this year
The diet is adapted to the Nordic countries: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland. Food is based on ingredients that are locally produced and thereby sustainable.
Recommended foods include vegetables such as peas, beans, cabbage, onions and root vegetables, as well as fruits including apples, pears, plums and berries. Also recommended are nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish and shellfish, as well as vegetable oils made from rapeseed, sunflower or flaxseed. Finally, low-fat dairy products are also recommended, as well as a significantly smaller proportion of meat than currently consumed.
Food contributes essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and plant components that have a positive effect on our health and, among other things, reduce the risk of blood clots, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Cardiovascular disease in general.
Weight loss associated with the Nordic diet
The researchers emphasize that weight loss, which often results from the Nordic dietary pattern, is very important for the overall health benefits of the diet.
“This study simply shows that it is not only Weight loss that leads to the benefits of this diet. The unique composition of the fats also plays an important role,” says Lars Ove Dragstedt.