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Manchester Baked Potato
- 1 large potato
- 3 oz cucumber
- 3 oz cherry tomatoes
- ½ cup low fat cottage cheese
- Salt and pepper to taste
Microwave the large potato for nine minutes. A medium potato needs seven minutes and a small potato needs five minutes. To add extra potatoes allow an extra four minutes for a large potato, three minutes for a medium potato and two minutes for a small potato. This is using a 1000w microwave – adjust for slightly longer or shorter if yours is a higher or lower power. Don't forget to pierce the potatoes with a fork a few times.1 large potato
Slice the cucumber thinly. Cut tomatoes.3 oz cucumber, 3 oz cherry tomatoes
When ready, slice a deep groove through the middle of the potato in both directions. Repeat the process diagonally.
Add salt and pepper to the potato.Salt and pepper to taste
Top the potato with cucumbers, tomatoes and cottage cheese.½ cup low fat cottage cheese
The post Manchester Baked Potato appeared first on Hurry The Food Up.