If you like sweet and hot sauces, we have a wonderful new recipe from Mexico: chamoy sauce. It is a fruity bittersweet salsa this will take your fruit salads and ice pops to the next level. And we made it sugar free, perfect for everyone!
Chamoy is a bright red liquid sauce that combines fruits like apricots, plums or mangoes with lime, chili, salt and sugar. The contrasting notes of sweet, salty, spicy and fresh ingredients make this Mexican spice truly unique — a must have for all salsa lovers!
In our recipe we chose juicy apricots as the basis for our sauce. Make sure they are plump and ripe so they taste sweeter. Then we replaced refined white sugar with erythritol. This natural and safe sweetener is almost as sweet as sugar but has no calories and is what makes our Chamoy sugar free.
For the chilies, dried ancho chilies are a must. These dark red, mild and slightly sweet chilies are the dried form of the poblanos, one of the most popular chilies in Mexico. Unfortunately we couldn’t find all the chiles so we went with the flakes which worked perfectly.
Preparing chamoy sauce is almost like preparing a runny and flavorful apricot jam. All you have to do is simmer the ingredients for a good 30 minutes and then puree until smooth. Then let the sauce cool down and you’re good to go. Simply!
Once you’ve tried Chamoy, you’ll definitely want to use it everywhere, just like we did! Pour it over a fresh fruit salad, use it to flavor drinks like mangonades or popsicles. It’s great, even with crunchy nuts, baked chips, and homemade tortillas. The recipe works a 400g jarleaving you with enough to keep you going!