E Foods: 32 Foods That Start With ‘E’

Sometimes you find yourself in need of a list of e foods. This is your large go-to for foods that start with ‘e’!

a person cracking eggs


Eggs are a classic staple in most homes. They are a good source of protein and fat in the diet. Not only are they great on their own, they can be made into appetizers or used in baking!

It is an American breakfast staple that can be had in a plethora of ways. Beyond the multitude of ways they can be cooked and eaten, they can come from different animals! Some of the most poplar eggs to have come from chickens, quails, and ducks.

e foods: elbow macaroni in a jar

Elbow Macaroni

Elbow macaroni makes the best macaroni and cheese (in my opinion)! This is a very popular pasta shape that is characterized by it’s small, curved shape.

It is extremely versatile. It can be used for macaroni and cheese, in casseroles, soups, stews, cold salads, etc.

e oods: eel in sauce


Eating eel isn’t an everyday occurance for most. Some cultures classify it as a delicacy and some it a traditional dish. It can be grilled, stewed, fried, smoked, or roasted just like other cuts of meat.

Eel is a long white fish. It really looks more like a snake of the water! I have never tried eel, but it is said to taste, “rich, slightly sweet, and slightly savory, with a firm and oily texture”.

e foods: english muffins

English Muffin

English muffins are about 3 inch, round pieces of bread. It is common to purchase them from the grocery store but because of their simple ingredients: yeast, flour, milk, water, and salt, they can also be made right from home!

You can slice an english muffin in half, toast it, and top it will egg, cheese, and sausage for a delicious and filling breakfast sandwich.

close up photo of a delicious cooked escargots


Escargot is a dish made from snails! This is a dish most likely to be enjoyed in France and European countries. Did you know the snails are removed from their shells, cooked, then placed back in the shell to be served? The taste is described to be chewy and a bit earthy.

food on white ceramic plate


An empanada is a Latin American staple. It is more typically made savory, but on occasion you can find a sweet variety. Generally, it will consist of a meat and spice filling wrapped in a pastry dough that is then fried or baked.

If you’ve never tried an empanada, I recommend you put it at the top of your to do list!

e foods: elk on white plate


It may seem strange to some, but emu is a food that begins with e. It is a large flightless bird typically found in Australia. It is a lean, high protein meat that can be served similar to that of a steak from a cow.

person pouring seasoning on green beans on bowl


Edamame may seem like something strange and green but really it is just a soybean! In particular, a young soybean. Because it is a soybean, edamame is actually a great source of protein.

You can oftentimes find it at a Japanese restaurant shelled in a dish or salted whole as an appetizer.

e foods: egg drop soup in white bowl

Egg Drop Soup

This is a simple Chinese dish. It is usually had as an appetizer or side as it only consists of broth, spices, and beaten eggs. Next time you need something to warm you up, opt for a bowl of egg drop soup!

e foods: eggo brand waffle box

Eggo Waffles

Eggo waffles are a part of an iconic American breakfast. They are frozen premade waffles that can be found in the freezer aisle of a grocery store. These waffles are simple yet full of nostalgia.

They are most often had toasted then covered in butter and syrup. Some even use them as an english muffin replacement in a breakfast sandwich!

If you have tried Eggo waffles and aren’t a fan, you can make homemade waffles and freeze them. Then, pop them in the toaster and you’ve got yourself a fresh waffle whenever you want!

e foods: easy mac in blue cup

Easy Mac

Easy mac is also an icon in America. It comes as a single serving in an individual cup. Simply add water and microwave for a couple minutes and you’ve got yourself a delicious cup of mac and cheese!

sweet coffee eclairs with glazing


Eclairs are a French pastry that have been Americanized into something called a donut. In France the éclair is a light and airy pastry filled with pastry cream and topped with a glaze. In America it is likely to confuse a long john donut for an éclair, or even use the two names interchangeably.

e foods: elk


If you’ve never seen an elk, think of a very large deer. It is a very lean and tender cut of meat that is usually had medium-rare, as if you overcook it, it quickly becomes tough!

enchiladas with sauce served on kale


Enchilada’s are a Mexican dish that involve a meat, cheese, bean and spice filling wrapped in a tortilla and covered in chili sauce. Many are usually made at a time by placing them in a casserole dish.

This is a hearty and satisfying dish to have for dinner. The best part? They are customizable to what ingredients you prefer and easier-than-you’d-expect to make!

ripe healthy eggplants placed in box in farm


Eggplant is a vegetable widely known for its shape. It has a characteristic dark violet color and like other veggies, is low in calories and high in fiber.

Eggplant isn’t utilized as much as it could be with it typically being used to make eggplant parmesan. It has a spongy texture, allowing spices and flavorings to easily absorb in. Try using a unique combination of spices next time you marinate eggplant!

e foods: eggplant parmesan

Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant parmesan is one of the most popular uses of eggplant. It is an Italian dish involving layers of eggplant slices, tomato sauce, and parmesan cheese.

e foods: eggnog


Eggnog is usually reserved for holiday seasons, but some enjoy it year round! Its popularity has grown so much that Starbucks has begun offering it for a limited time in December.

It is made with cream, sugar, spices and of course eggs but is often times spiked with bourbon or rum.

elderberries in close up shot


Elderberry is a deep purple berry recently popularized for its medicinal health benefits. You won’t often find fresh elderberries at your local grocery store, but trot down the supplement and pill aisles and you’re sure to find many bottles boasting about their elderberry ingredient.

Beyond their health benefits, they may also be utilized in the kitchen! They can be made into jams, jellies, and even to flavor cocktails!

e foods: endive


Endives fall into the category of leafy green vegetables. They aren’t too common of a veggie to the everyday household. Unexpectedly, one popular way to serve endives are grilled!

shallow focus photography of red apple on gray pavement

Empire Apples

Empire apples are a crossbreed of apple between Macintosh and Red Delicious. Because of this, it is a deep red color with green undertones that shine through. As with all apples, they make four a delicious and nutritious snack!

Empire apples are a great choice of variety to using in baking or in any situation where heat is used. Their firmness allows them to not soften to mush but keep their characteristic texture.

e foods: eel sauce on fish

Eel Sauce

The name eel sauce can be a bit intimidating. In reality this is actually vegan meaning, it contains no animals or animal byproduct. It is called eel sauce because it was traditionally used to marinate eel.

Eel sauce is made from a combination of: soy sauce, mirin, sweet japanese red wine, and sugar. In some versions sake will also be included!

e foods: egg fried rice in white bowl

Egg Fried Rice

Egg fried rice is a popular Chinese dish that has also been Americanized and popular in the United States. It is dish made with rice, eggs, and mixed veggies. Many times you can also add in pineapple, chicken, or beef as well. Basically, this is an all-in-one dish!

colored eggs in white surface

Easter Eggs

Easter eggs are… you guessed it, had in the Easter season! Some consider easter eggs to be the egg shaped chocolate you find wrapped in colorful aluminum foil while other may consider dyed hard boiled eggs as Easter eggs.

No matter what you consider as Easter eggs, they are foods that start with e.

e foods: extra brand gum

Extra Gum

Extra gum is a brand of sugar free gum that began in 1984. It has been around for quite some time, but continues to hold strong as a popular choice of gum! Supposedly, it has technology to slowly release flavors to make it long-lasting. Personally, I can’t get behind that one.

homemade long noodles made with egg dough on table

Egg Noodles

Egg noodles are a type of pasta made with flour and eggs. The inclusion of eggs leads this pasta to its characteristic yellow color.

This noodle is the most popular for chicken noodle soup. So, if you are ever in the mood for a comforting and nostalgic pasta dish, one using egg noodles is the way to go!

white ceramic mug on espresso machine filling with brown liquid


Espresso is a concentrated caffeinated beverage. One serving of espresso is considered a ‘shot’, which is about 1 ounce. Espresso isn’t as easy to make as coffee. In order to make it you need more than just your average drip coffee pot. You will either need an espresso machine, use instant espresso, or a moka pot.

Espresso is used to make many specialty coffee beverages such as lattes, cappuccinos, and macchiato’s. In the United States it isn’t common to drink a shot of espresso, but it is in many European countries.

a woman in gray tank top holding a cup of tea

Earl Gray Tea

This tea is a combination of black tea and bergamot oil. This oil has citrus notes, which shines through with the overall citrus and floral flavor and aromas of the tea.

Making this tea is similar to other varieties. Start by steeping leaves for 2-5 minutes in hot water. Remove the leaves and you are all set! You can now add cream, milk, or honey as desired.

e foods: eggs benedict with avocado and tomatoes

Eggs Benedict

Eggs benedict is a dish usually reserved for eating out at a restaurant. That is because it is topped with a sauce known as hollandaise. This can be a tricky ingredient to make, so ordering eggs benedict at a restaurant is a whole heck of a lot easier!

Eggs benedict starts with a base of an english muffin, layered with canadian bacon, a poached egg, then the hollandaise sauce. This is a hearty and delicious breakfast to try!

e foods: cinnamon sugar elephant ears

Elephant Ear

If you haven’t heard of an elephant ear before you may be in an area that knows them by beaver tails. You will easily find them at a carnival but you can also make them at home in your own kitchen.

It is a piece of deep fried pastry topped with cinnamon sugar. You can usually have additions added as well such as apple pie filling, cherries, ice cream, or chocolate sauce.

e foods: everlasting gobstopper box

Everlasting Gobstoppers

Everlasting Gobstoppers are a hard candy owned by Nestle. They are now found in the bright yellow-orange cardboard boxes for about $1. They are known for changing color and flavor. As you suck on the small spheres the color as well as flavor will change, keeping them ever interesting!

salad with eggs on table

Egg Salad

Egg salad has the word ‘salad’ in the name, but it is a bit far off from a bowl of veggies! Egg salad recipes can vary from family to family but the main ingredients are: hard boiled eggs, mayo, and a variety of spices.

You can have this dish on it’s own, as a side item, or even place it on a roll and have it as an egg salad sandwich!

bowl being poured with yellow liquid

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This is a high quality type of oil made from, as the name may imply, olives. A large machine will press olives and the oil squeezed in this process is what comprises EVOO.

Use extra virgin olive oil to cook, as a dressing, a topping, or in a sauce! You can even infuse your olive oil with different flavors. To make a rosemary-infused olive oil, simply add a stem (or two) of fresh rosemary into a container of EVOO and allow it to infuse! Now you’ll have an even more flavorful oil!

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E Foods: 32 Foods That Start With ‘E’ Takeaways

  • There are a TON of foods that begin with the letter e.
  • If you think of any others be sure to leave a comment down below… coming up with e foods is more difficult than you’d expect!
  • Let me know which e food is your favorite!

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