Why is Chicken the No. 1 Protein? We Asked, Americans Answered!

Since 1992, chicken has claimed the top consumption spot in the American protein kingdom, and consumers aren’t looking back anytime soon. When chicken first became our nation’s favorite protein over 30 years ago, the average American dined on 66.5 pounds of chicken per year. Chicken consumption has steadily gained momentum—almost annually—and in 2023, the average … Read more

The Hill: Solutions in search of problems — USDA’s unnecessary intrusion into chicken industry

Now, USDA is suggesting it might abandon this 25-year-old program and put America even further behind our global competitors. Chicken companies in Canada, Europe, South America, and Asia operate the same exact equipment at up to 30 percent higher line speeds than we do, and without food safety or worker safety issues. The department appears to be … Read more

Why do broiler chickens receive vaccinations?

Effective vaccination relies on proper administration and management. Vaccines can be administered via drinking water, spray, eye-drop, injection, or in-ovo (meaning that the vaccine is injected in the egg). Recombinant vaccines can be administered in-ovo which is accomplished by injecting the air cell of fertile eggs (targeting amniotic sac or intramuscular/subcutaneous administration) between 18 or … Read more

How the U.S. Chicken Industry Gave Back in 2023

Who doesn’t want to eat protein that’s as delicious as it is nutritious, plus affordable and safe, all while being sustainable for the environment? All of these factors make chicken America’s No. 1 protein. These qualities also position chicken as an essential, high-quality protein that can help end hunger in our nation and world. In … Read more

Chicken’s Versatility = A Variety of Fun Chicken Trends in 2024

When you purchase chicken at the store, you’ve bought yourself a nutritious and delicious, limitless culinary slate. That’s because chicken is one of the world’s most versatile proteins. After all, chicken is a foundational centerpiece in nearly every cuisine and can be prepared roasted, broiled, grilled or poached, and garnished with many seasonings, toppings and … Read more

How 1.45 Billion Chicken Wings Dominate Football’s Biggest Game

  No matter which team you’re rooting for during the Big Game, you can count on football and chicken wings as a winning menu lineup. Regardless of how you get chicken wings to your cheering section or what your go-to dip is, Americans love the iconic pairing so incredibly much that together, we’re projected to … Read more

Hens For Hire – Backyard Poultry

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hens for Hire is a great way to have chickens available in schools and for teaching about poultry. By Susie Kearley Paul and Sandy McEvoy are the founders of Hen House Farm, a small farm in an idyllic part of Devon, England. They hire hens to schools, families, care homes, and … Read more