Bedda releases several exciting new vegan cheeses, including its first fermented offering – Vegeconomist

Hanburg’s multi-award winning Bedda brand, a producer of plant-based cheeses, sauces, desserts, dips and dressings, plans the upcoming launch of several new vegan cheeses, including its first fermented offering.

The news comes less than two months after the German company partnered with Domino’s Pizza, which now uses its vegan grated melt as a topping on its Veganuri-matched Oh Jackie Jackfruit pizza.

Upcoming new products include:

  • The first fermented product from Bedda – “Bedda Shepherd” – is a new iteration of its shepherd’s cheese alternative.
  • Bedda has an updated recipe for “Come on Burt”, its Camembert alternative and is expanded by the red smear alternative Red Burt and the blue mold alternative Blue Burt.
  • Bedda “mo jarot” is its mozzarella alternative, a soft, mildly acidic cheese alternative perfect for salads and antipasti dishes.
Beautiful Camembert and Parmesan
© beautiful
  • “Beda Schmelzkrem”, processed cheese alternative, natural, herbal and piquant varieties.
  • “Bedda for Pizza”, specially designed for gratinating, developed in conjunction with the Domino’s team, is resistant to high temperatures and is said to taste and melt like pizza cheese.
  • “Bedda Swiss Affinage” combined with pre-packaged pieces, orange peppers, apricots, alpine flowers or mountain herbs.

Speaking in a 2021 interview with vegconomist, Head of Marketing and Business Development, Frank Meyerhofer explained: “Bedda is our vegan brand. It stands for great taste without regret. All vegetarians, vegans and vegetarians benefit from a variety of cheese and milk product options – from Bedda Heart (a sheep’s cheese alternative) and Bedda Slices (a classic to fenugreek) to cream cheese alternatives, dips and sauces such as aioli. and hollandaise. Products build on Bedda’s strengths: soy-free, gluten-free, without palm oil, without flavor enhancers. Consumers appreciate the stellar taste and quality demonstrated by the 182% YoY price growth.”

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