This easy-to-follow Backyard Chicken Care Calendar checklist will help you throughout the year with all things backyard chicken flock. Raising chickens in the backyard is a great hobby, and everyone here at My Pet Chicken is excited to share this journey with you! This comprehensive calendar should help you know what to expect.

Winter (December, January, February)
- Winter care tips: 8 things not to do in the winter.
- Check daily for frozen water – MPC tip: Use a bucket heater de-icer is ideal.
- Use the first Saturday Lime to control ammonia odors.
- Provide a dust bath area in the chicken run during the winter if fresh dirt is no longer available.
- Offer gifts and toys to your flock to help fight winter boredom.
- Offer poultry grit if you’re serving treats, and your flock doesn’t have access to fresh dirt.
- Collect eggs frequently to avoid freezing in the cold winter temperatures.
- Order new spring chicks and waterfowl. Our list of chicken breeds provides important breed information to help you decide which breed is right for your flock.
Spring chicken care calendar (March, April and May)
- Deep clean your existing chicken coop and compost chicken manure.
- Consider deworming your chickens with these supplies and supplements.
- Examine the chicken coop for damage over the winter and make repairs as needed. (One of the most important tasks in the chicken care calendar!)
- Replace worn herd supplies.
- Refer to the Chicken Care Guide and the Chicks Supply Checklist for the arrival of any new chicks.
- Order a new chicken coop in early spring for new flock members.
- Move the spring chicks out into the coop. Read more information here if you are introducing new chickens to your old flock.
Summer chicken care calendar – (June, July and August)
- Keep your chicken flock cool with summer meals. Read more information here.
- Help keep your flock cool and hydrated with electrolytes.
- Keep your coop smelling good in the summer heat. Learn how.
- Find out how much water your chickens need per day to keep them hydrated in the hot summer weather. We recommend using the Poultry Water Cup to allow your flock to dip their buckets in water to cool off in the summer.
- Summer’s ruffled feathers are here — read 7 reasons why.
- Spring chicks will need to be transitioned to farm feed. Read more information here to find out if your flock is ready.
Autumn (September, October, November)
- When you see chicken feathers all over the coop and run, you’ll know molting season has begun! Learn what feathering is, and read about the top 3 ways to help your flock with molting. Don’t forget to shop for molting supplies to help your flock during molting season.
- I was waiting for this moment! Look for signs that the spring chicks will start laying eggs. Remember that it is normal for a hen’s eggs to start out small and not fit into the nesting box at first.
- It’s time for the spring chicks to move to layer feed. Read more information here to find out if your flock is ready.
- Although we don’t want to think about it, winter is coming! Start preparing for winter now – read the top 10 ways to prepare the flock for winter.
- Winterize your barn by making sure your barn is well-ventilated and draft-free.
- Make your baby chick’s wish list for 2024! (The most fun task in the chicken care calendar!) My Pet Chicken usually releases spring stock next year in late November or early December. Get your wish list ready with your favorite chicken breeds.
The Backyard Chicken Care Calendar – Year-round Checklist first appeared on the My Pet Chicken blog.