Hachiya persimmons are one of my favorite fall fruits. Growing up in San Francisco, Mama Lin bought pound for pound of Hachiya persimmons in Chinatown. She put them in pots and pans with apples to ripen. Then we waited very patiently for the persimmons to fully ripen before eating.
These days I buy persimmons at the farmer’s market, but they’re also available at Asian supermarkets and stores like Whole Foods. When I see them popping up at my farmers market, I know colder sweater weather is just around the corner. Although their season in California begins in early October, I find persimmons peak in November.
Persimmons originated in China and are known as 柿 in Chinese (pronounced ski in Mandarin; ci in Cantonese). Between the 7th and 10th centuries, persimmon cultivation spread to Japan and Korea and has become a large part of their respective food cultures.
The two most common persimmon varieties you will find are haha and fuyu persimmons. Hachiya kakis are shaped like a thick teardrop with a thick and rounded end and a pointed tip at the other. Fuyu kakis, on the other hand, are flat and round. In America, these persimmon varieties are commonly known by their Japanese names Hachiya and Fuyu. I haven’t been able to figure out why, but I suspect that Japanese-owned farms were the first to grow persimmons commercially in America.

Generally, persimmons have orange skin with a leaf and a stem at the top. As persimmons mature, their skin turns a deeper shade of orange. Hachiya kakis are usually sold unripe and rock hard.
When picking Hachiyas, look for fruit without too many blemishes. Don’t be put off by large black spots on the skin. These are just sunspots where the fruit has been exposed to the sun for a long time. Avoid persimmons with tiny holes in the skin, as this could mean an insect has come by to taste the fruit first.

Hachiya persimmons are an astringent variety and must be eaten when they are perfectly ripe and soft, like the ripest plum imaginable. If you eat an underripe one, you will experience a very uncomfortable feeling in your mouth, as if all the moisture has been completely sucked away.

To ripen Hachiya persimmons, Mama Lin suggests placing them in a saucepan or deep frying pan (leaf side down) along with an apple or two. If the persimmon has a long stalk, cut off the stalk or set the fruit aside. Cover the pot or saucepan with a lid.
Apples release ethylene gas that promotes ripening. After about a week, the persimmons should be soft and ready to eat.

Ripe Hachiya persimmons should be a deep orange color on the skin (almost red-orange). To see if the persimmon is ripe enough to eat, hold the fruit and press lightly with your thumb. It should feel like the fruit is about to burst, like a very ripe plum. Sometimes, when the persimmon is very ripe, the skin also starts to tear easily.

Pull off the calyx (leaf and stem part). Then use your thumbs to split the persimmon in half. At this stage, I usually just slurp the fruit with my mouth. Since the fruit is very juicy, I recommend doing this over the sink or in a bowl. You can also scoop out the flesh with a spoon.
You can bake with ripe Hachiya persimmons by crushing the pulp and adding it to quick breads and muffins.

How to Ripen and Eat Hachiya Persimmons
Ripe Hachiya kakis have a wonderfully soft and juicy texture and a rich, honeyed flavor. They’re an astringent variety, which means you should only eat them when they’re fully ripe. Here are some tips and tricks for ripening Hachiya kakis. (Note: the persimmons will take much longer to mature if you just leave them on the counter.)
- Hachiya Persimmons
- 1 to 2 apples, Any apple will work
- large saucepan or deep skillet with lid
Arrange the persimmon calyx (or leaf) side down in a large saucepan (or deep skillet). If the persimmon still has a stalk preventing it from lying flat on the leaves, use kitchen shears to trim the stalk. Alternatively, you can lay the fruit on its side, but this will take up more space in the pot, so not as many persimmons will fit. Be sure to leave a space or two for the apple(s).
Put the apple(s) in the pot. Try not to stack the apples on top of the persimmons. Hachiya persimmons soften significantly as they ripen, and the weight of the apple can crush the persimmons before you’re ready to eat them.
Cover the pot (or skillet) with a lid. Let the fruit sit for 6 to 7 days and then inspect the fruit.
The skin color should have turned darker orange after 6 to 7 days of maturation. To see if the persimmons are ripe enough to eat, hold one fruit and gently press the flesh with your thumb. It should feel like the fruit is about to burst, like a very ripe plum. Sometimes the skin also starts to tear easily. These are all signs that the Hachiya kaki is fully ripe. If the fruit doesn’t seem soft enough, cover the pot with the lid and let it ripen for another 1 to 2 days.
Pull off the calyx (leaf and stem part). Then use your thumbs to split the persimmons in half. You can slurp the flesh off the skin or scoop it out with a spoon. I don’t usually eat the skins of Hachiya persimmons because there is occasionally a trace of astringency around the skin. Enjoy!