For me, International Women’s Day is about celebrating the strength and power of all women in our lives. The more we celebrate this, the more opportunities there are for women in all areas.
I’ve been fortunate to have been surrounded by incredible women from all walks of life since I was young until now. Here are some of the most valuable lessons they taught me.
My grandmother
“Keep Boxing” as she says.. I have that phrase in my head during the harder days of building a business. You just have to keep boxing and you will go far.
My mother
“Hard work and diligent care usually pays off.” That’s what my mother always said, and I’ve found it to be true. Hard work always pays off and never goes unnoticed.
My sisters
Passion, intuition and resilience! Both of my sisters run their own businesses and will tell you that you need these three qualities to get by.
My friends
My friends taught me to love what you do then you will never really “work” a day in your life. Instead, it feels like a passion project that you can’t wait to wake up and do! That doesn’t mean there won’t be hard times, but you will always be driven by your passion.
Our team
diligence and diligence. Real caring will drive everything you do, especially as you try to build a mission-driven and customer-centric company.
The JSHealth community
kindness, strength and vulnerability.
Being vulnerable is a sign of strength, not weakness. You can be strong and kind. The JSHealth community is very special to me and the women in it have shown me that over and over again.