Ten bedtime snacks for kids

Depending on what time your child eats dinner, they may need a snack before bed. Here are ten quick and easy bedtime snacks for kids.

Let me start by saying that not all kids need a bedtime snack. It really depends on how much you’ve already eaten that day and also how much time elapses between dinner and bedtime.

But if you find that your kids are hungry at night, here are ten quick and easy bedtime snacks that you can make in just minutes.

1. Greek Yogurt & Muesli

Greek yogurt is a great option as it’s high in protein, which helps keep kids full throughout the night.

I usually add a topping like granola and serve with a small portion of fruit.

2. Rice Cake & Banana

The combination of magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6 in bananas can promote a good night’s sleep, making them a great option for kids just before bed.

Serve alone or with another small snack like a chocolate rice cake.

3. Sausage rolls & cheese

If your child is very active throughout the day, it’s a good idea to get some extra protein before bed.

This is a “fridge raid” snack, something for the evening when you don’t feel like doing or cooking anything else.

I also added some carrots for extra fiber and vitamins.

4. Crackers & Cheese Spread

Another quick idea is to use a cheese spread like Dairylea and add it to some crackers.

Again, you can add some fruit or veg on the side to bulk up the snack.

5. Glass of milk & rice cake

Often overlooked as a quick source of protein, milk is a great snack for kids just before bed.

I try to avoid anything too sugary right before bed, so some low-sugar rice cakes are a perfect side dish.

6. Muesli & Fruit

My son loves cereal any time of the day, so I often give him a small portion of a high-fiber cereal like Weetabix along with some chopped fruit.

The combination of fiber and protein will keep you full until morning.

7. Boiled Egg & Grissini

I love boiled eggs, so I often cook up a whole box to have for my own lunches or snacks over a few days.

It also means I can quickly pull one out of the fridge for an instant bedtime snack, served with some breadsticks and veggies.

8. Peanut Butter & Jelly on Toast

There’s something very comforting about a late-night toast. Peanut butter makes a great topping because of its protein content, but you can also serve it with some reduced-sugar jelly.

9. Cheese on toast

If you have a few minutes to cook something, cheese on toast is a great option. It’s filling and comforting, and in turn, the protein from the cheese helps keep kids full throughout the night.

10. Low-sugar packaged snacks

If your child really wants something sweet before bed, don’t feel guilty if you offer some pre-packaged snacks.

I try to stick to lower-sugar options to keep sugar spikes in check, and also offer some fresh fruit and veg for added fiber.

Does your child need a bedtime snack and what kind of food do you give them? Let me know in the comments below!

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