Top 10 chicken breeds selected by the My Pet Chicken staff

Are you looking for the best chicken breeds to add to your flock? The team of chicken experts here at My Pet Chicken have put together this list of the top chicken breeds we recommend for your backyard flock! Read the top ten chicken breeds that our expert staff love and adore!

Silky bantam chickens – the best chicken breed

The Silky Bantam Chicken is considered one of the best chicken breeds by the staff of My Pet Chicken.

Among the best breeds of chicken, the Silkie Bantam is the most popular and most popular. He’s the cuddle dog of the chicken world, complete with hair-like plumage and sweet temperament. They are calm, easy to handle and a favorite choice as a pet for children!

Silkie hens are excellent mothers and have been known to adopt baby ducklings if given the chance! You can expect them to lay about 100-120 small creamy eggs per year or 2-3 per week. Because they reproduce so much, egg laying is often interrupted and inconsistent.

My Pet Chicken offers White, Black, Blue, Puff, and Splash Silkie Chicks for sale.

Orpington chicken

Orpington chickens are large, friendly, well-behaved, dual purpose birds that were originally developed in the United Kingdom. Orpingtons are the only way to go for many small farms and homeowners! They are very cold-hardy due to their fluffy plumage and are also at the top of our list of the best chickens for cold weather.

They are wonderful mothers, and nothing is more magical than seeing Mum Orpington, her new fluffy chicks peeking out from under her wings. The Buff Orpington is the most popular of all the Orpingtons – a beautiful, bright, faded copper color that strikes as eye candy against a green lawn.

Our customer service representative, Judy, says this about the Orpington chickens – “They are the ultimate ‘everywhere’ chicken – and they have sweet personalities, they love to lay eggs, and they make great moms to boot!”

My Pet Chicken offers Buff, Blue, Lavender, Chocolate, Black, and Jubilee Orpington baby chicks for sale.

Cochin chickens – the best chicken breed

Blue Cushion Chicken
Blue Cochin – the highest breed of chickens

Known the world over for being big balls of fluff and feathers, the Cochin Chicken is a favorite of employees and customers! They do not lie exceptionally well but are popular due to their sweet calm personality and wonderful mothering qualities.

Cochins became famous in the 19th century when this Chinese breed was given as a gift to Queen Victoria of England, who absolutely loved it.

Our Director of Customer Service and Fulfillment at My Pet Chicken, Jordana, says this about the Cochin chickens – “These are the most docile birds I have ever had in my flock. They make great photo models, and they get on with everyone without ending up at the bottom of the pecking order.” , roosters are friendly and sociable, and they are very cuddly with their little ‘pants’ (their feathered legs).”

My Pet Chicken offers Blue/Black/Splash, Partridge, White, Black Frizzle Bantam, and Mottled Bantam Cochin chicks for sale.

Polish chicken

Reheated Polish Chicken Puff
Polish Lissed Puff Chicken

The Polish chicken is an exceptional and unique breed of chicken with a huge puffy crest of feathers and a V-shaped comb. The Buff Laced variety is a favorite among the workers at My Pet Chicken!

The egg laying of this breed is varied – some are well laid, others are very poor. Sweet polish, beautiful bird show and can They are good layers in a backyard flock. They are tame, but their behavior can be foolish as their crest limits their vision.

My Pet Chicken offers Polish Black Crested, Gold, Silver, White, Blue Crested, White Black Crested, White Crested, and Polish Black baby chicks.

Sussex Spotted Chicken – the best chicken breed

Sussex spotted chicken
Sussex spotted chicken

Sussexes have it all: They’re excellent layers of colored whites or light browns and laid in the coldest of climates. They are well fed, friendly and easily handled. Their inquisitive nature means they will often follow you around the yard if they think they can beg for a treat from you.

The “spotted” variety has plumage that gives it camouflage from predators as well. Many tend to get more spots after each successive molt, so they get prettier with age.

Our customer service representative, Mimi, says this about the Speckled Sussex chicken – I love the personality and look of the Speckled Sussex. It’s sweet, great for families, and lovely to boot.

My Pet Chicken offers Sussex Spotted baby chicks for sale.

Ameraucana chicken

Lavender chicken americana
Lavender chicken americana

Ameraucanas are one of the best chicken breeds because they have a sweet temperament. According to our staff, they are friendly with kids and make excellent pets!

Ameraucana hens lay beautiful light blue to teal eggs about 3-4 times a week. Thin cheeks and a beard give them an adorable look.

My Pet Chicken offers Lavender and Blue/Black/Splash Ameraucana baby chicks for sale.

Brahma chicken

Dark Brahma chicken
Dark Brahma chicken

Brahms are large birds. They are so much larger than most other strains that they may end up near the top of the selection order by default.

Brahmas are very cute and make great pets. They are calm, cold tolerant, and totally huggable! Although it is not a power layer, you can expect three or so medium-sized brown eggs from this bird per week.

My Pet Chicken offers Baby, Dusky, Puff, and Puff Bantam Brahma Chicks for sale.

Wyandot chickens – the highest breed of chickens

Lizard blue red wyandot chicken
Splash Lion and Yandot

Wyandot chickens have been voted as one of the best chicken breeds because they are beautiful and productive birds for the home flock. They are a favorite among staff and owners of backyard flocks because of their dependable egg laying, placid nature, and cold hardiness. They tend to do well when confined or able to free range.

Wyandot hens have a heavy body, which makes them an excellent dual-purpose choice, and the small rose comb makes them ideal for colder climates because they are not prone to frostbite. Hens are hardy, energetic and loyal layers.

My Pet Chicken offers Silver, Gold, Columbian and Red Banded Baby Chicks for sale.

Buckeye chicken

Buckeye chicken
Buckeye chicken

The Buckeye chicken breed is a threatened breed that deserves to be preserved! It’s also the only all-American chicken breed developed by a woman in — you guessed it — “The Buckeye State,” Ohio.

Buckeyes are incredibly obedient and can get excited. Their relatively large size and small pea combs make them good winter and cold hardy layers. They fair layers of brownish-white throughout the year and have a reputation for being good bloomers.

Our customer service representative, Cathy, says this about the Buckeye chickens – “I like that the Buckeye is a dual-purpose chicken breed that does well in cold and heat (with shade). Good layers and brooders.”

My Pet Chicken offers Buckeye chicks for sale.

Maran chicken

Chocolate Egg Breed – Maran Hens! This item is a must have for those who adore a colorful egg basket!

Our Marans are bred primarily for the color of the eggs, with an added look towards hardiness and breed standard. You can expect the Maran chicken to lay an egg anywhere from dark brown to dark reddish brown to medium brown with many dark spots. Marans make great pets too – they are strong, gentle, calm and tolerate confinement well. They are said to be good researchers without being destructive to your garden.

The darkest egg you receive from the beautiful Maran Hen will be her first egg, and the whites will lighten a little with each egg, until her annual molt. After that, you will again see her darkest eggs.

My Pet Chicken offers Black Copper Marans, Blue Splash Marans, Blue Copper Marans, Blue Cuckoo Marans, Blue/Black/Splash Birchen Marans, Golden Cuckoo Marans, Silver Cuckoo Marans, and Wheaten Marans for sale.

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