Chocolate is a legitimate superfood, but only if you eat dairy, research shows

When Girolamo Benzoni was first offered an early version of hot chocolate in 1575, he declared that it was not “a drink for mankind”. Milanese merchants traveled to Mexico after it was colonized by the Spanish and served drinks by the indigenous people. But after a while, short of wine, he decided to try a sip, and he was converted. “It was satisfying and refreshing,” he recalls. “Even if it had a bitter taste.”

Benzoni was behind the Spanish, who had already developed a love for Mayan recipes. In true colonial style, they took the idea and brought it back to Europe. They added sugar to counteract the bitterness, and the drink chocolate most of us were born with today is familiar. It would be centuries before someone took cocoa beans and tried to make a chocolate bar. And we all know what happened next (hey Cadbury).

But before chocolate became a sugar-laden, billion-dollar, juggernaut industry, cacao beans were viewed by the Mayans as a health-promoting ingredient. And research suggests they were onto something. In its minimally processed form, chocolate has health benefits. In fact, it can even be a nutritious addition to your diet. Brands like vegan and superfood-focused Earth Eco are committed to spreading awareness of that truth. Here’s why.

What is chocolate?

Chocolate comes from the fruit of the Theobroma cacao tree, which bears large pod-like fruits and the seeds inside are small beans, known as cacao beans. The trees grow all over the world, but at the moment, the largest producers of beans for the chocolate industry are Ivory Coast and Ghana. After roasting, cocoa beans are usually referred to as cacao, although sometimes the terms “cocoa” and “cocoa” are used interchangeably.

When you see the word “cacao” on a product, it usually means that the chocolate is close to its natural form, and has been minimally processed. But the term “cocoa” is probably more familiar to most because to make many chocolate products on the market today, beans are roasted, powdered, ground up and processed before being combined with milk, sugar and artificial ingredients. the taste


Chocolate Nutrition and Benefits

Research shows that, just like the Mayans, chocolate has health benefits. But to cut them, ideally, it needs to be the minimally processed version (so we’re not talking about milk or white chocolate here).

If you’re at the store, look for dark chocolate products with a high cocoa percentage (preferably 70 percent or more). These options are high in nutrients like fiber, iron, magnesium, copper and manganese. Or, you can look online, and find brands like Earth Eco, which offer minimally processed, nutrient-dense chocolate products like drinking chocolates and bites.

“Cacao is an incredibly nutritious superfood. It offers numerous physical and mental health benefits,” said Danette May, co-founder of the brand and cacao bean superfan. There is potential to improve significantly,” they added.

And their views are backed up by research. In 2017, a study was published Journal of the American Heart Association suggests that combining small amounts of these three foods daily reduces levels of “bad cholesterol,” a contributing risk factor for heart disease. In addition, further studies have indicated that flavanols from cocoa may be associated with age-related decline in cognitive performance.


What is a superfood?

According to May, chocolate is a “superfood”. And Earth Eco has built an entire brand around this concept. But what really? is A superfood?

The term has no legal definition, but in general, it is widely accepted to mean a food that provides a large amount of nutritional benefits, but without a lot of calories. For example, avocados, blueberries, spinach, garlic, turmeric, and sweet potatoes have all been called “superfoods” in the past. But does chocolate deserve the same title?

Is chocolate a superfood?

“Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that have many health benefits,” says May. “They are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial ingredients that can help improve your health and improve your overall well-being.” So when eaten without all the processing and added milk and artificial flavors, chocolate also fits the bill of superfood.

Not only is it fiber- and vitamin-rich, but some studies have shown that it contains more antioxidants than blueberries, as well as other fruits such as cranberries and pomegranates. And really, it makes sense that chocolate can compete with these foods. Because, after all, in their purest form, cocoa beans are also fruit seeds.


Tapping into the superfood benefits of chocolate

There are a few ways chocolate delivers its superfood benefits. Like the Mayans, people still love to drink it (in fact, the hot chocolate market is worth more than $3.2 billion worldwide). So Earth Eco offers its own version of a drinking chocolate mix, called Cacao Bliss. The low-calorie, sugar-free chocolate powder combines several whole foods and nutritious “superfood” ingredients like turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, monk fruit and coconut nectar with cocoa.

But, of course, people still like to eat something sweet. In 2021, a OnePaul survey found that nearly half of US consumers choose chocolate when they’re having a bad day. So Earth Eco also produces its own range of chocolate bites, which offer the same dose of chocolate satisfaction, but with all the health benefits of raw formal-grade cacao.

The latter is a minimally processed form of cocoa, which stays true to the ingredient’s roots, as it is made from Central and South American beans. According to May it is “the highest grade of cocoa available”. “It’s made from the purest, strongest part of the cacao bean. Unlike the chocolate we find in grocery stores, it’s minimally processed and contains no added sugar or dairy or other ingredients.”

Over the years, chocolate has been called many names. It has been labeled a “mischievous instinct,” “wicked,” and even “sinful” by some. But thanks to several emerging brands, this century-old treat is getting a 2023 wellness makeover. Now, when you reach for cacao, you can feel satisfied that you’re doing yourself, and your body, a real service. Have a snack.

Thanks to Earth Echo for supporting independent media and partnering with VegNews on this story. Want to try their vegan chocolate? Use code VEGNEWS for VIP discount!

To know more about chocolate, read:

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