Vegan Aioli – Namely Marley

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This vegan aioli, a delicious dip and spice, is infused with garlic flavor. It’s perfect for serving with air fryer french fries, as a condiment for black bean burgers, or even drizzled over salads and other snacks.

One hand has a french fry, recently dipped in vegan aioli, hovering over a bowl of it.  There are more fries in the background.

Transform a ho-hum Tuesday dinner into something special with the right sauces and sides. That’s where this vegan aioli comes in. I love drizzling it over veggie burgers or potato wedges. It infuses any dish with just the right amount of creamy garlic flavor!

How to Make Vegan Aioli

You can find the complete printable recipe with ingredient amounts below. But first, here are some ingredient explanations and steps to help you perfect this recipe every time.

  1. Peel the garlic.
    A chef's knife is on a cutting board with minced garlic.  Beside the bowl of lemon juice.
  2. Stir together minced garlic and lemon juice and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
    Chopped garlic sits in a bowl of lemon juice on a cutting board.  There is chopped garlic on the side.
  3. Press it through a fine mesh strainer.
    Pressing garlic with a spatula into a fine mesh strainer placed over a glass bowl.
  4. Add vegan mayo to a bowl. Stir in lemon juice until combined.
    A bowl of vegan mayo with lemon juice being poured over it.
  5. Stir to combine.
    A hand holds a spatula, stirring vegan aioli in a bowl.  Have a measuring spoon with brown mustard and a bowl of sea salt next to it.
  6. Stir in sea salt and Dijon mustard for a more intense flavor.
    Brown mustard is added to the bowl of aioli.  Next to it is a wooden bowl with sealed salt.
  7. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving. It will thicken as it sits.

the main ingredient

Here are the ingredients you will need for this recipe:

  • Garlic – You will need 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Lemon Juice – I recommend using lemon juice from a fresh lemon, but you can use bottled in a pinch.
  • Vegan Mayo – You can use store bought or homemade vegan mayo.
  • Sea salt
  • Dijon Mustard – This is optional, but I recommend it. Adding a bit of Dijon, and we’re talking a bit, adds complexity to the flavor.

How to Use Aioli

I like to pair the vegan garlic aioli with the air fryer recipe because that way the two balance each other out in terms of fat. For example, you can use it as a dipping sauce with these recipes:

Or, use it as a condiment on your favorite sandwiches:

I’ve even been known to drizzle it over my favorite salads like this vegan wedge salad.

Variety of flavors

  • Vegan Sriracha Aioli — Reduce lemon juice to 1 tablespoon. Mix in a tablespoon of Sriracha when mixing the mayo with lemon juice.
  • Vegan Mustard Aioli — Reduce lemon juice to 1 Tbsp. Stir the mayo with lemon juice and add a tablespoon of turmeric or brown mustard.
  • Vegan Chipotle Aioli — Add vegan aioli (from recipe below) to a food processor. Add 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika and 2 to 3 chipotle peppers from a can of adobo sauce. Add 1 tablespoon of adobo sauce (from a can). Pulse bursts briefly until convergence.
  • Vegan Herb Lemon Aioli — To the finished aioli, add 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon chopped fresh chives, and 1 teaspoon lemon zest.

Why this recipe is a winner

  • simple — This recipe is made with only 5 simple ingredients, most of which you may have on hand.
  • versatile – Change the flavor to suit your food. Serving tacos? Make vegan chipotle aioli. Got steamed broccoli? Vegan mustard aioli is a go-to topping!
  • Crowd favorite – If you have people over, surprise them with aioli. Seriously, even pizza crust can be dipped in it making it fancy and delicious!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is vegan aioli?

Vegan aioli is made with a garlic-infused lemon sauce with vegan mayo. It’s a perfect plant-based dipping sauce that you can serve with fries, sandwiches, and more.

Does garlic aioli need to be refrigerated?

You should look for vegan aioli in your fridge as you would any aioli. Because it’s made with fresh garlic, the flavor will intensify as it sits.

Serving advice

Drizzle this vegan aioli over your favorite side dishes like:

Storage Tips

Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. It is possible to freeze it, but the emulsion is likely to separate as it defrosts, creating an oily mixture that may not be very appetizing.

A bowl of French fries egg-free aioli sits in front and back.

Vegan sauce

If you like this vegan aioli, you’ll want to try more delicious vegan sauces. Here are some favorites:

A hand holds french fries in a bowl of vegan aioli.

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For the garlic lemon juice:

  • Mix minced garlic and lemon juice in a bowl. Stir to combine and set aside 10 to 15 minutes To allow the flavors to combine.

  • Press it through a fine mesh strainer, pressing gently on the garlic to encourage it to release its flavor.


  • Add vegan mayo to a bowl. Stir in lemon juice until combined. Stir in sea salt and Dijon mustard for a more intense flavor.

  • Cover and refrigerate 30 minutes before serving. It will thicken as it sits.

  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

Black Silicone Spatula Set 3

(The products above contain sponsored links to products we use and recommend)

Calories: 138kcal | Sugars: 2g | Protein: 0.1g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fats: 0.004g | Sodium: 265mg | Potassium: 8mg | Fiber: 0.04g | Sugar: 0.1g | Vitamin A: 0.3IU | Vitamin C: 2mg | Calcium: 2mg | Iron: 0.02mg

The nutritional information shown is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator and should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist consultation.

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