10 Best Southern Bite Recipes 2022

As another year draws to a close, it’s fun to look back to 2022 to see what you’ve all made of SouthernBite.com. And while the top recipes have mostly stayed the same as previous years, this year we’ve seen some exciting changes.

The most popular recipe has been the most popular for 5 years! You just love the stuff.

Looking back, in particular, makes me super proud and grateful. I’m grateful for the opportunity to come to work and do something I love every day. I am grateful that each day gives me an opportunity to work to bring families back to the dinner table. But most of all, I am grateful for each and every one of you. You are the reason I can do something so incredible every day.

The fact that I can do (and make a living from) all these things because of you guys definitely didn’t escape me. I owe my success to you! And I couldn’t be more grateful that you guys come back to the site every week looking for something yummy.

2023 will be a fun and exciting year for Southern Bite. We’ve got tons of great recipes, lots more video content, and even a new place to see me on your TV screen for the next few months.

Is there anything in particular you would like to see more of? Is there a recipe you really want me to create for you? Let me know in the comments below!

Much love! -Stacey

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