If you’re craving a high-protein candy but can’t eat eggs or soy due to food allergies, then our High Protein Quinoa Muffins recipe is for you.
Start your day with a healthy, high-protein breakfast that can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Proteins fill you up, reduce appetite and control sugar cravings later that day[1].
In this recipe, we’ve transformed the classic chocolate muffins into a healthy, nutritious and vegan indulgence. We combined whole wheat flour with cocoa and ground flaxseeds, added a splash of almond milk and maple syrup, then stirred in some cooked quinoa. Finally we topped the batter with crunchy almonds and baked everything into a delicious, diet friendly chocolate muffins.
Quinoa is an excellent source of complete vegetable proteinsmeaning it provides all nine essential amino acids your body needs to build proteins and hormones[2]. If you have an egg or soy allergy, or follow a vegan diet, quinoa can help you meet your daily protein needs.
In these muffins, we combined quinoa with flaxseed and whole wheat flour for an extra boost of protein, fiber and more healthy omega-3 fats[3].
In only 180 calorieseveryone has quinoa muffin three times less sugar And twice as many fibers than the classic ones. Even a serving of two muffins offers a whopping amount 12.4 grams of proteins, covers nearly 30% of our RDI for that nutrient. Impressively!